Alphabiolabs Igm-Igg Combined Antibody Rapid

Typhoid IgG and IgM (S. typhi IgG + IgM) Rapid Test Kit

abx092223-100l Abbexa 100 µl 650 EUR

Igm Antibody Laboratories manufactures the alphabiolabs igm-igg combined antibody rapid reagents distributed by Genprice. The Alphabiolabs Igm-Igg Combined Antibody Rapid reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact igm antibody. Other Alphabiolabs products are available in stock. Specificity: Alphabiolabs Category: Igm-Igg Group: Combined Antibody

Human Hantavirus IgG/IgM (HV IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit

Abbexa 200 µl 425 EUR

Human Tuberculosis IgG/IgM (TB IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit

Abbexa 100 µl 1925 EUR

Human Tuberculosis IgG/IgM (TB IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit

Abbexa 1 ml 26250 EUR

Human Tuberculosis IgG/IgM (TB IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit

Abbexa 200 µl 6600 EUR

Filariasis IgG / IgM Rapid Test Kit

Abbexa 100 µl 2450 EUR

Filariasis IgG / IgM Rapid Test Kit

Abbexa 1 ml 32500 EUR

Filariasis IgG / IgM Rapid Test Kit

Abbexa 200 µl 8400 EUR

Combined Antibody information

Recombinant Hepatitis C Virus Combined   

MBS142523-01mg MyBiosource 0.1mg 330 EUR

Recombinant Hepatitis C Virus Combined   

MBS142523-05mg MyBiosource 0.5mg 825 EUR

Recombinant Hepatitis C Virus Combined   

MBS142523-1mg MyBiosource 1mg 1260 EUR

Recombinant Hepatitis C Virus Combined   

MBS142523-5x1mg MyBiosource 5x1mg 5345 EUR

Hepatitis C Virus Combined Recombinant

rAP-5252 Angio Proteomie Inquiry Ask for price

AF112A Free and Combined Cl kit - EACH

WAT2058 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 367.2 EUR

Combined Hippocampus, Cortex, and Ventricular

PC35109 Neuromics Combined Neurons 475.2 EUR

Lung carcinoma (multi-tissue combined panel

LC803 TissueArray each 270 EUR
Description: Lung carcinoma (multi-tissue combined panel, 80 cases/80 cores) tissue array

WST-NR-CV Combined Cytotoxicity Assay Kit

K543-1000 Biovision each 810 EUR

Human GAD/IA2 combined autoantibody ELISA Kit

MBS2602893-10x96StripWells MyBiosource 10x96-Strip-Wells 3040 EUR

Human GAD/IA2 combined autoantibody ELISA Kit

MBS2602893-48StripWells MyBiosource 48-Strip-Wells 285 EUR

Human GAD/IA2 combined autoantibody ELISA Kit

MBS2602893-5x96StripWells MyBiosource 5x96-Strip-Wells 1670 EUR

Human GAD/IA2 combined autoantibody ELISA Kit

MBS2602893-96StripWells MyBiosource 96-Strip-Wells 405 EUR

Combined Sipper-Peltier w/ 10x10mm cell - EACH

SPE4644 Scientific Laboratory Supplies EACH 3952.8 EUR

15 ml and 50 ml Combined Swing Rotor Buckets

Q5124 ABM 1 350 EUR

Recombinant (E.Coli) Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Combined  

RP-464 Alpha Diagnostics 100 ug 343.2 EUR

Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (Multipurpose), EDTA (Combined)

MBS355852-1Set MyBiosource 1Set 195 EUR